Our Services

What is DiverseUSA?

DiverseUSA, LLC, is a full-service diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) consulting firm. Why hire us?

  • We are experienced former Executives who have devoted a large portion of our careers focused on advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in major agencies.
  • We have worked with, inspired, and lead other Executives to effectively assess and address differences, complaints, grievances, budgetary obstacles, and other real-world challenges of the 21th Century workforce.
  • We promote industry-specific DEIA best practices and drive sustainable measurable results in the workforce, workplace, community, and marketplace.
  • We are committed to providing customized strategic solutions to address the specific needs of an organization’s culture, mission, and customers.

Our Services

As a full-service DEIA consultancy, we provide you with customized strategic solutions to holistically address your specific diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility needs.

DEIA Strategic Services

A diversity equity inclusion accessibility (DEIA) strategy is a comprehensive plan that an organization can implement to ensure that all members, regardless of their backgrounds, can thrive in the workplace. A DEIA strategy involves creating an inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected, and where barriers to success are removed.

Three elevators in a room with one lift door open.

EEO Program Advisory Services

DiverseUSA, LLC can conduct an EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) program analysis. The program analysis evaluates an organization's policies and practices related to ensuring equal employment opportunities for all individuals, and compliance with EEO statutory and regulation process. The EEO program analysis may include an assessment of recruitment, hiring, promotion, compensation, training, mediations, and other employment practices to identify any potential barriers or discrimination, reduce discrimination claims and improve outcomes.

A group of people sitting around a table with computers on it.

External Civil Rights Program Plans & Evaluation

External civil rights program plans and evaluation services refer to developing and implementing strategies and measures to improve outcomes with a diverse workforce to further the organization’s mission by consciously addressing the needs of diverse customer groups, and thereby promoting and protecting the civil rights and liberties of the public it serves.

A city with many connected wires and lights